in-app purchases

In-App Purchases: The Bill You Didn’t Want

You follow all the recommendations for your kids and technology – you monitor what games they are playing, you limit their time screen time, you block the online chats, but the one thing you forgot to keep an eye on is their ability to make in-app purchases.

Whether it be mobile games, console games, or PC games, there is typically an option to make purchases. As a kid, you simply see it as acquiring that weapon you needed or purchasing extra coins to get you to the next level. But as a parent, you see it as a few dollars, or even a few hundred dollars, leaving your bank account. 

The problem lies not within the games themselves, but within the ease of making these purchases. If you don’t set up guards to protect yourself, you could end up with some major regrets.

Here we discuss FIVE WAYS to protect yourself and your kids from in-app overspending:

  1. Set up a separate Microsoft account specifically for your child. By creating a separate account, there is no access to bank or credit card info so they are unable to complete in-app purchases.
  2. Create passcodes or authentication factors that must be entered for any in-app purchases.
    • If using an iOS device – go to Settings > General > Restrictions and create a passcode that will be required for any purchase made in the iTunes store, Safari, and other Apple apps.
    • If using a Google device – go to the Play Store > Settings > Require Authentication for Purchases
  3. If you feel comfortable allowing your child to make purchases, consider providing a limited amount of money through your Microsoft account. This ensures they don’t overspend and also teaches responsibility in managing their money for what they most want.
  4. You can enable Airplane Mode while the child is on the device. When in airplane mode, all access to the online world is blocked. However, this can easily be disabled so It’s best for small children who do not know how to change it.

The most important tip – talk to your children.

It’s always a good idea to review apps prior to downloading. Research whether in-app purchases are available and then talk to your children about them. Explain how the in-app purchases work, that it is real money being used, and why they need to avoid overspending. 

For continued advice and learnings on how to help your family stay safe and smart with the technology you use, follow
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