Smart Home Articles
The Amber X: An Intuitive Leap into Personal Cloud Storage
Oh man, I think Google Photos better watch out! In this digital age, we're all searching for that ideal photo storage solution. Google Photos, for many, has been a trustworthy companion, yet its limitations often spark a quest for alternatives. So, let's...
How To Enable Quick Phrases On Your Google Assistant
I know many of you may be using Google Assistant, but wouldn't it be even better to use the new Google Assistant tips in your life or work to...
Unlock Your Home’s Potential With Amazon Alexa-Compatible Smart Devices
In recent years, the smart home revolution has taken the world by storm. From thermostats to security systems to lights, there are countless ways...
Our Favorite Smart Plugs
There are a ton of smart plugs on the market. You know you should buy a smart plug, but which one? Dale Dumbs It Down is going to share some of our favorite smart plugs we’ve seen on the market. We’ve already discussed what you look for in a smart plug and now we...
Home Automation Basics
Home automation? What is that? Do I need to know what it is? Home automation is awesome! Dale Dumbs It Down is going to share some of our favorite principles with Home automation. What we’re going to cover in this article are just the basics you need to know when...
Simple and Smart Appliances For The Kitchen
Your kitchen isn’t complete until you have at least one of these smart kitchen appliances for your home! Learn what we’ve discovered when it comes to smart tech for the kitchen! Smart appliances are growing in popularity, which is a good thing if you haven’t made...
What To Look For In a Smart Plug
Don’t know which smart plug to get for your smart home? We understand! Dale Dumbs It Down is going to break down what to look for in a smart plug. “Hey, Google…turn on my living room lights.” So easy. So practical. It’s kinda hard not to feel a little special being...
Digital Assistants – The Uninvited Guests
I overheard a friend reference his Google Home as the uninvited guest in every conversation. I immediately responded, but is it? I kidded him that the invite came when he purchased the devices and set them up in his home. I, too, have invited a plethora of smart...
Alexa, Call Nana!
'Nana, my mom grounded me to my room.' This phone call from our grandson using his Alexa, who lives states away from us, was the highlight of my wife's week. My 6-year-old grandson didn't obey his mom and got sent to his room. With #Alexa in the room...
We Have Way Too Much Fun with Our Smart Home Devices!
Especially now with shelter-in-place due to #COVID-19, our smart home devices are keeping our minds sharp with fun interactive trivia type games. Inviting Google AND Alexa into our home was a life changer. Every now and then, I'll be sharing a few things...
The ultimate Lockdown for your Google Home.
If you've been following my posts, I've shared quite a few ways to keep your personal information and conversations safe from Google, Siri, and Alexa. Now for those who want to truly Lockdown their Google Home, here are the next steps. Now please be careful if you...
What does your Google Assistant Know about you?
Check it out! Take a look at all the info your Google Assistant knows about you. Open your GOOGLE HOME app. Tap the settings gear in the lower right corner. Under the GOOGLE ASSISTANT heading, tap MORE SETTINGS. Select YOU from the menu bar at the top. Tap YOUR...
“Alexa, Delete everything I said today!”
"Sticks and stones will break your bones, and words will come back to haunt you!" All of us have had 'those' days that we wish we could rewind time and take back things we said or did. What happens when your Alexa is always listening? How can we delete Alexa's...
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Firewalla Gold Review: Monitor And Secure Your Home Or Business Network
Every day, we hear about cyber attacks and the damage they can do. Whether it's a business or someone's personal information that has been compromised, these attacks are becoming more and more common. And as our lives move more and more online, the need for good...