Dale Meredith Alice Meredith and Gabe Meredith

We Have Way Too Much Fun with Our Smart Home Devices!

Especially now with shelter-in-place due to #COVID-19, our smart home devices are keeping our minds sharp with fun interactive trivia type games.⁠

Inviting Google AND Alexa into our home was a life changer. 

Every now and then, I’ll be sharing a few things Alice, Gabe, and I love about our smart home devices.⁠

Alice’s favorite: Just by saying ‘Goodnight,’ our Google friend tells Alice the weather forecast for the next day, reminds her of what is on her calendar, and sets her morning alarm.⁠

To-do lists and shopping lists are also at the top of her favorites! Almost daily, I hear her chatting it up with Google as she builds out her shopping and to-do lists.⁠

Her next favorite is checking the weather as she packs her bag for whatever business trip is on her calendar for the week. One week I heard Google advise her on the weather conditions in New York, Texas, and Minnesota. Yes, all that travel in one week and crazy diverse temperatures. This gal of mine is the master packer.⁠

And catching Gabe ‘cheating’ on his homework is another favorite of Alice’s. Yes, this happens, more than most would think. Her all-time favorite is when she catches ME cheat on Gabe’s homework. I try my best to help him, and when I can’t figure out the answer, Google almost always saves the day.

For continued advice and learnings on how to help your family stay safe and smart with the technology you use, follow

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Learn more about the why behind my journey of helping families stay safe and smart with the technology they use at https://www.daledumbsitdown.com/

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