amazon alexa

“Alexa, Delete everything I said today!”

“Sticks and stones will break your bones, and words will come back to haunt you!” All of us have had ‘those’ days that we wish we could rewind time and take back things we said or did. What happens when your Alexa is always listening? How can we delete Alexa’s memory?

While words shared cannot be erased from human memories, Amazon has found a way to do just that to help you retain privacy and erase her memory bank. Just this year, Amazon announced two new Alexa commands that let you delete your voice transcripts. Simply say, “Alexa, delete everything I said today” or ‘Alexa, delete what I just said.”

Now, if you want to delete your entire history, open the Alexa app and go to SETTINGS > ALEXA PRIVACY > REVIEW VOICE HISTORY > DELETE ALL RECORDINGS FOR ALL HISTORY.

Now for you Apple users, it’s time to take it back!

For all you Apple lovers– it’s time to take back all those horrible things you said n front of our little fruit spies. Time to delete all the private and personal conversations you unknowingly shared while Siri sat there and listened (and recorded). With the iOS 13.2 update, you can delete all of your recordings. Open your SETTINGS > SIRI & SEARCH > SIRI & DICTATION HISTORY > and select DELETE SIRI & DICTATION HISTORY.

That should allow you to delete all of your private and personal voice transcripts. Keep watch I will be posting another blog post in helping you delete your voice transcripts from Google as well.

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Photo by Lazar Gugleta

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