‘Nana, my mom grounded me to my room.’ This phone call from our grandson using his Alexa, who lives states away from us, was the highlight of my wife’s week.
My 6-year-old grandson didn’t obey his mom and got sent to his room.
With #Alexa in the room with him, it’s as easy as saying ‘Alexa, call Nana’, and he has direct access to a listening ear who wants to hear all about how unfair his mom is.
Especially during these days of ‘shelter-in-place’ because of #covid19 – these devices are a great way to connect kids who don’t have cell phones to grandparents!
Yes, even our adult kids have fun and make use of smart home devices.
We also caught Gabe recently going to bed listening to a sweet child’s bedtime story, (he adamantly denies it), but our Google history caught him saying ‘Hey, Google, tell me a story’.
Man, I wish I had Google as a kid growing up! It would have been a game-changer in so many ways.
For continued advice and learnings on how to help your family stay safe and smart with the technology you use, follow
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Learn more about the why behind my journey of helping families stay safe and smart with the technology they use at https://www.daledumbsitdown.com/