Family Safety Articles
Unmasking the Threat: The Rise of Malware in Android Apps
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, Android users face a new challenge: a surge in malicious applications. Recent findings by McAfee have unearthed a concerning trend of malware-infected Android apps, Xamalicious malware, potentially compromising the...
Raising Cyber-Smart Kids
We all know that raising kids is a skill, but how much more complicated is it now with kids using technology so soon? Young children play on cell...
Are Hackers In Your Phone?
It feels like there’s a new scam or a new way for hackers to gain access to our information daily. Unfortunately, we cannot even keep up with the...
Video Game Addiction: It’s real, It’s relevant and rising.
I see too many friends of all ages hitting gameplay hard. My worry for these friends and family members and their video game addiction has led me on a quest to learn more about gaming addiction. Here's a bit about what I've learned. Video game...
Why is Fortnite so CAPTIVATING for kids?
I know you "don't get it." I barely get it, but I've been on a mission to learn why this particular game, Fortnite is so addicting for our kids. Fortnite is similar to the ultra-popular Minecraft game, in that building and creating is part of the focus of the game....
Google Family Link: My “Go-To” App
I get a lot of folks asking what app do I use to help protect Gabe on our family phone (for when he uses it). Well, last year, Google released a free app called "Family Link" for both Android and iOS. This app allows parents to manage the content on their kid's...
How many naked pictures are on your teen’s phone?
My first "What the crap is this on my son's phone" moment was over 14 years ago. This amazing son pictured here with me was barely 14 years old and thought he was all the rage with his Razor flip phone. When locking up the house one night I walked into...
Preparing our kids TODAY
Those who follow my social media channels know I strongly encourage parents to stay educated on the latest tech trends and popular apps as a way to help keep their kids safe and smart online. Here's an example of a couple of trends that parents of young kids...
How do we PREPARE our kids for the inappropriate content they will encounter on their device(s)?
We shouldn’t avoid or shun technology, that is not realistic in this technology infiltrated world. It's about teaching our kids what is right and wrong, what is age-appropriate, and what should be avoided. Studies show that when a young boy is first shown a nude...
I remember when sexting first hit its popularity, do you?
Were you as shocked as I was? Well, today, sexting is pretty calm compared to what kids now encounter. As parents, we must be aware and educated so we can teach our kids "how to react and respond' when something inappropriate appears on their device. I started...
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Firewalla Gold Review: Monitor And Secure Your Home Or Business Network
Every day, we hear about cyber attacks and the damage they can do. Whether it's a business or someone's personal information that has been compromised, these attacks are becoming more and more common. And as our lives move more and more online, the need for good...