shoulder surfing

Surfs Up! Be aware of Shoulder Surfing

Shoulder Surfing

Helpful tip: When you are out shopping or out and about be careful about Shoulder Surfing? What is Shoulder Surfing? It is where someone looks over your shoulder to capture or your password or pin. 

How to avoid shoulder surfing is to look around and see if someone is making eye contact with you or watching what you are doing. But now with cellphones, they can do some crazy things, like take a picture or take a video. But Dale I would notice them filming me! Well, what if it looked like I was texting but actually taking a video? Would you know? I could pretend I was on a phone call but actually be recording you entering your pin. WAIT they only have my pin they don’t have my credit card number. BUT MY NEXT step as an attacker is since I now have that pin I want that card number and that might lead to robbery or trying different tactics to get that information.

That is why you should be aware of shoulder surfing and try and protect you and your family by looking around making sure no one is standing too close when you are making purchases 

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