Ethical Hacking Series

Ethical Hacking: Understanding Ethical Hacking

This course will significantly benefit security officers, network administrators, and anyone who is concerned about the integrity of their network infrastructure.

Ethical Hacking: Hacking Mobile Platforms

Your company has decided to start allowing BYOD, plus upper management just purchased multiple mobile devices. You’ll learn how to make sure everything stays secure.

Ethical Hacking: Enumeration

Now that we’ve found out “live” systems and hopefully determined the OS by fingerprinting, our next phase of Ethical Hacking is to now extrapolate data.

Ethical Hacking: Cryptography

The Internet is an insecure medium, and attackers can see a lot of what you are sending. This is where cryptography comes in to play. Looking at cryptography from the attackers point a view is the best way to start protecting your resources.

Ethical Hacking: Hacking the Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most talked about trends in technology. There are a plethora of devices being released daily (some a need, some a joke). The real issue is each device opens a new attack vector that you never saw coming.

Ethical Hacking: Sniffing

You need to keep your network protected from attackers. This course will help you to understand how network sniffing works and how to keep your information secure.

Ethical Hacking: Hacking Wireless Networks

In this course, you’ll learn the hacking methods that can be used to gain access to your network and how to best lower that security risk.

Ethical Hacking: Scanning Networks

You know how to recon your target, now it’s time to learn how to dig around what you’ve found for important, relevant data in preparation for your attack.

Ethical Hacking: Malware Threats

This course will take you deep into the dark alley of how malware is used and deployed. We’ll also dive into how Trojans and backdoors work.

Ethical Hacking: Reconnaissance/Footprinting

This course covers the process of probing a system with the intent of compromising the target. The goal is to gather as much data as possible about a would-be target.

Ethical Hacking: System Hacking

You’ve done your homework; now it’s time to totally and completely “pwn” your target and yet make no one the wiser that you’ve made it in.

Ethical Hacking: Vulnerability Analysis

In this course, you’ll learn how important it is to not only scan your networks for any red flags but also how to analyse those results.

Ethical Hacking: Penetration Testing

In this course, you will learn the ins and outs of planning and executing a penetration test against your own or your clients network.

Ethical Hacking: Exam and Review Tips

Achieving a passing score on the CEH® exam requires knowledge, experience, and preparation. In this course, Ethical Hacking: Exam Review and Tips, you’ll learn the steps to prepare yourself for the CEH 312-50 Exam.

Pentest+ Series

Exploiting Host-based Vulnerabilities for CompTIA PenTest+

Understanding how hosts are configured and what they might include within themselves will help any security professional. This course will prepare you to exploits hosts in any engagement.

Penetrating Networks for CompTIA PenTest+

Weaknesses in your network infrastructure will enable a security professional to gain entry to hosts in the resources, eavesdrop on data in transit, and disturb communications. See how these actions can have serious consequences for the organization.

Conducting Passive Reconnaissance for CompTIA PenTest+

Reconnaissance is the process of discovering information about the target before you engage. Passive Reconnaissance is doing this in a matter that leaves no trace, which helps to keep your identity under the hacker hoodie you’re wearing.

Information Gathering and Vulnerability Identification for CompTIA PenTet+

This course is a part 5 of the CompTIA PenTest+ series. You have identified the vulnerabilities, now you will use your toolset to identify how to exploit said vulnerabilities to prepare to for exploitation.

Performing Non-Technical Tests for CompTIA PenTest+

As a security professional, you need to test non-technical attack vectors within our engagement. We’ll look at different tools that we can use to bypass locks, motion sensors and even users themselves.

Conducting Active Reconnaissance for CompTIA PenTest+

Active reconnaissance is a necessary evil. It can sometimes alert defense teams and systems that you’re snooping around, but it also helps you to see and document everything about each note on the network. Learn how to active recon the right way.

Laying the Foundation for Penetration Testing for CompTIA PentTest+

So, you want to start a career in penetration testing but don’t know where to start? Maybe you’ve got some great hacking skills, and want to become a security professional? Look no further, this course starts you on your new and exciting path by diving into pentesting!

Testing Applications for CompTIA PenTest+

Part of any PenTest engagement application is an extremely high target. The reason is because of so many moving parts from operating systems all the way to even interfaces that are involved. In this course you will learn to check these components through testing.

Results and Reporting for CompTIA PenTest+

Making sure you report everything you’ve discovered to the client/target is imperative to finish up your engagement. Learn what to include in your report, how to organize, and present your finding in a professional manner.

Post-Exploit Tasks for CompTIA PenTest+

This course (part 9 in the PenTest+ series) focuses on methods of evading security countermeasures, maintaining access and covering your tracks.

CySA+ Series

Secure Software Development

This course will teach you how to evaluate and look at integrating security into your software and systems.

Performing Incident Response and Handling

In this course, you’ll explore and investigate into the countless aspects of incident response and how you can plan and design a process for responding to that breach that is coming sooner or later to your organization.

Implementing and Performing Vulnerability Management

This course will teach you how to detect and mitigate vulnerabilities in your environment by using, tweaking, and understanding a vulnerability management solution

Performing and Analyzing Network Reconnaissance

Seeing what is currently being exposed about your networks and company resources is vital. This course will provide a fundamental understanding of both reconnaissance and scanning and how it can affect your security posture.

Preparing for and Executing Incident Recovery

This course will help you understand how to conduct an investigation, eradicate the incident and how to build out your own CSI (Cyber-Security Investigator) Jump-Bag.

The Issues of Identity and Access Management (IAM)

By using established secure network architecture patterns in the design, and then following best practices to configure each component that you plug in to the overall systems, you reduce your overall vulnerabilities significantly.

Enterprise Security: Policies, Practices, and Procedures

As a cybersecurity analyst, you must be able to show the value of security intelligence and threat analysis. This course will teach you the foundational skills required as a CySA+ professional including threat hunting, data privacy, and risk mitigation.

Threat and Vulnerability Management for CompTIA CySA+

This course will teach you how to detect and mitigate vulnerabilities in your environment by using, tweaking, and understanding a vulnerability management solution.

Software and Systems Security for CompTIA CySA+

This course will teach you how to evaluate and look at integrating security into your software and systems.

Security Operations and Monitoring for CompTIA CySA+

Being proactive is key when it comes to protecting your resources This course will teach you to configure your resources to better protect them as well as what Indicators of Compromise (IoC) you should be monitoring.

Incident Response and Recovery for CompTIA CySA+

As a security professional you will be a core part of the team responsible for incident response, planning, and recovery procedures. This course will teach you the skills needed to communicate and coordinate response efforts, and how to recover systems that were affected.

Compliance and Assessment for CompTIA CySA+

This course will teach you how to make sure your security profile provides coverage of data privacy and protection practices, risk management, and security frameworks.

Cloud and Automation for CompTIA CySA+

This course will teach you the skills you need as a cybersecurity analyst to identify the threats and vulnerabilities associated with operating in the cloud.

Security Solutions for Infrastructure Management for CompTIA CySA+

By using established secure network architecture patterns in the design, and then following best practices to configure each component that you plug in to the overall systems, you reduce your overall vulnerabilities significantly. This course will teach you’ll analyze issues with these mechanisms and select available solutions.

Security Analysis for CompTIA CySA+

As a cybersecurity analyst, you must be able to show the value of security intelligence and threat analysis. This course will teach you the foundational skills required as a CySA+ professional including threat hunting, data privacy, and risk mitigation.

Exam Review Tips and Tricks for CySA+

Achieving a passing score on the CySA+ exam requires knowledge, experience, and preparation. This course will teach you the steps to be successful for the CySA+ exam.

Play by Plays & Other courses

Password and Wireless Attacks with Kali Linux

Kali Linux includes a plethora of tools. This course will focus on the various methods and tools that Kali includes to ethically hack your passwords and wireless networks.

You’re Compromising You Company’s Security. Here’s How

Keeping your company secure is a top priority—and it starts with a strong strategy. Join cybersecurity expert Dale Meredith as he shares actionable advice for upgrading your security strategy and practices.

Building a Cybersecurity Home Lab Environment

This course will teach you how to set up a hacking lab environment for all your security research, hacking tools, and training you’ve always wanted to do.

Selecting the Right Tool(s) for Your Red Team Operation

In this course, you’ll learn from Cyber-Security experts Dale Meredith and Aaron Rosenmund as they discuss the importance of choosing the right tool for your red team engagements, as well as their own favorite tools that they recommend to not only recon a target but obtaining access.

Assessing Red Team Post Exploitation Activity

In this course, you will explore the mindset and techniques used by red team operators and common cyber adversaries, and the ways the defensive teams can detect and even get ahead of these malicious actions.

Assessing and Mitigating Security Risks

The capacity to perform risk management is crucial for anyone hoping to defend their networks and resources. This course will teach you about risk policy, assessment, analysis, and mitigation of your networks.

Implementing Windows Server 2012 RS Essentials Edition

This course introduces you to the world of Microsoft Server 2012 R2 features that are designed to help small businesses take advantage of technologies that enterprise level servers have been providing for years. You, as a small business owner, or small business IT manager or consultant, will learn how to utilize the Essentials services and roles to help modernize your office environment.

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