Passwords: You Are The Weakest Link

Passwords: You Are The Weakest Link

Never forget that passwords are just as important as other tools we use to verify our identities like drivers licenses, social security cards, and passports. And they are just as important to keep secure.

I get asked often if browser’s (like Chrome’s) password manager is as good as a third-party password manager like LastPass.

Well, in short, I’m not a fan. Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather you use your web browser’s password manager, it’s better than nothing, and they do have some advantages

Your browser’s password manager does not need additional software, and it will remember all of your passwords, create complex passwords for new sites/apps, and synchronize them safely between your devices, which is pretty cool.

Even with all these options, built-in password managers aren’t as powerful and useful as third-party password managers. They’re catching up, but they’re still not as cool. Here’s why.

Third-party password managers, like LastPass, are cross-platform and cross-browser, meaning they’ll work on PC’s Macs, iPhones, and Android devices. On top of that, they also work on any browser like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc. Compare that to the fact that password managers that are built into your browser are limited to THAT particular browser.

Let’s say you use Google Chrome on your PC or Mac and Safari on your iPhone. Using the browser’s password manager, you’ll have to do double duty on entering and tracking passwords in each browser. If you use a third-party password manager, you’ll have easy access to your passwords in any browser. Kind of cool, huh?

Another cool feature products like LastPass offer that sets them apart from your browser password manager is that most offer some really good desktop and mobile apps, making them more accessible.  LastPass and others like them will also store important data like passport numbers, credit card numbers, driver licenses, birth certificates, and more! They also include built-in alerts to help remind you that you’re recycling your passwords (using the same password on multiple sites), or that you’re using weak passwords.

If you hear your bank or a credit card company was included in a breach, with just ‘one-click’ your passwords are changed.

One other concern about just using your browser’s password manager is that many times these passwords are stored locally on your device, which can be a real issue. Several security researchers have proven that with 12 lines of code, they (or a hacker) could get every single one of your passwords. These 12 lines of code could be placed on a website, which, as you visit the site, would execute. Or if a hacker gained access to your device, they could execute malicious codes to pull your passwords.

Most 3rd party applications like LastPass, by default, don’t store passwords on your devices. These apps make requests when you visit a site or install an app. That request is encrypted using a military-grade level technique that makes it’ close to impossible to intercept.

So for the best security, my family and I use LastPass.  They offer a family plan that gives you six premium plans to share, each with their own “vaults” (so your data/passwords are only visible to you). You can also share passwords among your family members and still keep them private. So when I share my Netflix password with my son, I can make it so he can use the password, but can’t see what it is.  Now THAT’s pretty secure!

This product is a must for any family that wants to keep their families’ data safe.  Weak passwords are the number one way hackers steal your information, so let’s make it a little harder for them or even give them a reason to “move along…nothing to see here”.

Check out my ‘how-to’ YouTube video to see how easy it is to set up and install LastPass Manager. 

For continued advice and learnings on how to help your family stay safe and smart with the technology you use, follow
Dale Dumbs IT Down on Instagram
Dale Dumbs IT Down on Youtube

Learn more about the why behind my journey of helping families stay safe and smart with the technology they use at

LastPass: I have 340+ Different Passwords and that is ALL because I use LastPass, and why you should

LastPass: I have 340+ Different Passwords and that is ALL because I use LastPass, and why you should

LastPass: I have 340 DIFFERENT passwords. How many do you have? Yep, I said THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY “DIFFERENT” Passwords. I let @LastPass create them for me and I am able to manage ALL of those passwords for me. Everyone wants you to set up a username and password and you usually use one of these three or four passwords because it is easy to remember BUT you need to have a DIFFERENT, yes I said DIFFERENT password for each account made because of data breaches. In this video, I show you how easy it is to install LastPass Start by downloading it here…

I have been a user longer than an affiliate but I am an affiliate so click on this link to help support this page to install LastPass. There are two versions of LastPass free which is great but there is also a paid version that is only $3/month, the biggest feature the paid version is that you are able to access it on mobile. And they also have a family account where you can have 6 users and share and store passwords between members. The best thing about LastPass is I can forget my passwords and worry about important information like my anniversary date. Wasn’t that easy? Now I just have to remember 1 password, it needs to belong at least 16 characters. I split up these videos to help break up the introduction and installation and LastPass features for easier for users.

Head over to the next video talking about installing and set up here:

LastPass’s features and their Vault

And here is a video for mobile set up

Data Breaches Video that I talk about is coming soon!

Follow me on Instagram where I do FREE tech support questions EVERY Wednesday and Tech Tip Tuesday here at IG :… Follow Dale Dumbs IT Down to stay up with the latest:


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Secure Yourself When Using Public WiFi

Public Wifi: Nothing is better than getting outside of the office and set up a mobile workplace somewhere new. The problem is that in order to get the work done we need to be connected to the internet. 

I get it a lot of locations provide free public WiFi but there is a problem with that, who knows who else is on that free WiFi around us. It could be someone set up in a car nearby or someone sitting off to the side.

So there are a couple of things we can do to protect ourselves when our and about and using Public Wifi.

I suggest using a VPN. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) it does what it says it does. It creates a Virtual PRIVATE Network over the Wifi. So no one can see what I am doing. Not only is it important for your laptops I would suggest one for your mobile devices as well.

Public WiFi is free but at WHAT cost?

For continued advice and learnings on how to help your family stay safe and smart with the technology you use, follow

Dale Dumbs IT Down on Instagram
Dale Dumbs IT Down on Youtube

Learn more about the why behind my journey of helping families stay safe and smart with the technology they use at

Surfs Up! Be aware of Shoulder Surfing

Shoulder Surfing

Helpful tip: When you are out shopping or out and about be careful about Shoulder Surfing? What is Shoulder Surfing? It is where someone looks over your shoulder to capture or your password or pin. 

How to avoid shoulder surfing is to look around and see if someone is making eye contact with you or watching what you are doing. But now with cellphones, they can do some crazy things, like take a picture or take a video. But Dale I would notice them filming me! Well, what if it looked like I was texting but actually taking a video? Would you know? I could pretend I was on a phone call but actually be recording you entering your pin. WAIT they only have my pin they don’t have my credit card number. BUT MY NEXT step as an attacker is since I now have that pin I want that card number and that might lead to robbery or trying different tactics to get that information.

That is why you should be aware of shoulder surfing and try and protect you and your family by looking around making sure no one is standing too close when you are making purchases 

For continued advice and learnings on how to help your family stay safe and smart with the technology you use, follow

Dale Dumbs IT Down on Instagram
Dale Dumbs IT Down on Youtube

Learn more about the why behind my journey of helping families stay safe and smart with the technology they use at

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