- You notice a toolbar you didn’t install yourself?
- Your search for certain items and you are redirected somewhere else? This is called redirected internet searches.
- You experience frequent and random pop-ups.
- Your friends receive fake emails from your account.
- Your on-line password changes or doesn’t work.
- Your antimalware software or task manager is disabled and can’t be restarted.
- You observe strange network traffic.
- You get a fake antivirus message
- You receive a ransomware message
Now, what do you do if you’ve been hacked?
First, have a seat, I’ve got some news that you won’t like if you’re not backing up your data or using a cloud storage system. A system that has been hacked can NEVER be trusted. You will need to restore your system to its factory defaults by launching the “restore system” feature. If your data isn’t backed up it will be lost.
For continued advice and learnings on how to help your family stay safe and smart with the technology you use, follow
Dale Dumbs IT Down on Instagram
Dale Dumbs IT Down on Youtube
Learn more about the why behind my journey of helping families stay safe and smart with the technology they use at https://www.daledumbsitdown.com/