protect your data

The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Protect Your Online Data!⁠

There’s so much to remember about staying safe online, believe me, I know! I am often asked, what’s the most important thing I can do to protect myself and my data online? My answer is always, ‘Use a password manager!⁠

These applications allow you to create unique, hard to guess passwords, and they do all the work for you. I have over 340 different passwords, for real!⁠

I use LastPass, which not only tracks my passwords but also suggests new passwords for new sites and apps, it then recalls them for me when I need them. Seriously, I have no idea what my password is for Facebook, Instagram, my credit card company, or even my Gmail accounts. It’s AWESOME!⁠

It’s important to know that right now because of #Covid19 with so many working from home, many businesses security measures have been lightened creating greater exposure and risk to our home data so this reminder about passwords is more important than ever!

Now, when using a password manager there is one password you do need to remember; it’s the “Master-Password.” This password allows you to use the password manager app, and it’s also how the program verifies that it really is you.⁠

So, make sure your “Master-Password” is complicated. It should be at least 14-20 characters, and it should NOT be anything someone can guess about you. Let me give you a great way to create this type of password. Let’s use a syntax that we’re all familiar with. How about a password “wWw.myGrandkidsAreCuterThanYours!.c0m“. Look at how long that is! And I’m using special characters, and a number, as well as lower and uppercase letters. That password is easy for me to remember because my grandkids are cuter than yours! No, this isn’t ‘my’ master password, it’s just an example. 🙂

I have a Youtube Series dedicated to how to install and use LastPass – The password manager I recommend Here

For continued advice and learnings on how to help your family stay safe and smart with the technology you use, follow

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Dale Dumbs IT Down on Youtube

Learn more about the why behind my journey of helping families stay safe and smart with the technology they use at

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